Becoming Involved with the American Workers' Party

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Abolishment of Active Forces and the Restoration of County/State Militias

Author: Chairman Aldrizh

Over 200 years ago our founding fathers forced off the shackles and oppression brought about by a militarized police force and their standing army backers. The modern Americans not only spit on the graves of our founding fathers by allowing the existence of the standing army but by militarizing our police force not just passively but with a bill to ensure they have access to military hardware. One thing our forefathers understood and history has taught us is that when a group of ten fights against a thousand for something that belongs to them, they will win every time. This is why we should abolish the national military, demilitarize our police and reestablish local militia units!

Of course these local militia will be a step up from our colonial ancestors, they will receive reserve grade pay unless called up in time of invasion or crisis, they will also receive annual training during the summer months as well as some militia units being responsible for manning vehicles and other advanced weapons systems. Each adult between 18 and 20 will be required to serve on the militia, being presented the option to continue as standard militiamen until age 35 or age 65 if they are given a militia officer commission. Militia troops will be presented weapons, ammunition, and equipment; each round must be accounted for at bimonthly checks  by their local officer. At the age of 20 they will be presented the opportunity to continue as militia until 35, being presented opportunities after age 25 to attain officer status (if they work for it and earn it).

As always, the socialist state's grand duty to ensure the right of their citizens to bear arms and even after the state provided weapons are surrendered after the individual leaves the militia, they will be encouraged to keep weapons responsibly for the simple purpose of being able to aid the active militia in defense of the homeland or resistance in the case of a tyrannical leader's rise to power. The militia will serve their local community, work as their other citizens do; only serving the state or nation in the event of invasion, a declaration of war on the nation, or the state authorities unanimously agree that the nation's socialist legislature must be reorganized and the current one must be overthrown.

This will serve as an adequate replacement to our standing army and will honor our founders by abolishing our standing army and our militarized police.

next article: Marxist Feminism: Voting Rights

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