Becoming Involved with the American Workers' Party

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Red Guard

Author: Chairman Aldrizh

While the Leninist idea of the vanguard party is in its theory a fantastic idea, it can be overly centralized, which leads to reduced influence. In an area such as the old Russian Empire, where almost 80% of the population live in a small area, this was not such a problem, but in an area with such a spanning area and population as the US, it presents a significant problem. To combat this problem, a revolutionary party must spread and establish chapters in as many areas as it can reach, being centralized at a headquarters branch and each branch must be in charge of maintaining a Red Guard through donations, volunteers, and bimonthly trainings (at the minimum). Each Red Guard should also have a organized chain of command, reporting to the Chairman overall, and at the lowest level their squad leader.

Organization of these groups may vary. In one area perhaps a Red Guard will have the membership to maintain several divisions of hundreds of soldiers (although unlikely), and in other areas it may consist of several squads of just over two dozen soldiers, however as long as there is a firm chain of command and some form of divisional structure, all Red Guard units are fine. These Red Guard units serve a multitude of purposes, their first and foremost being campaigning for the party.

Spreading posters, setting up booths, handing out pamphlets, etc. To this extent it could be argued they are  primarily just a recruiting team that has some combat training. However, they also should serve as guards at protests, making sure the people are safe as the police have proven time and time again they will not protect protesters; another one of their purposes being protection of party officials at speeches, rallies, and meetings. Finally though, they serve the ultimate purpose of reminding the bourgeois we will NOT take abuse sitting down, we will defend our rights and they should fear us.

DISCLAIMER: Red Guard should be primarily nonaggressive unless provoked or those who they swear to protect (the American people) are being harmed.

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