Becoming Involved with the American Workers' Party

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Abolishment of Active Forces and the Restoration of County/State Militias

Author: Chairman Aldrizh

Over 200 years ago our founding fathers forced off the shackles and oppression brought about by a militarized police force and their standing army backers. The modern Americans not only spit on the graves of our founding fathers by allowing the existence of the standing army but by militarizing our police force not just passively but with a bill to ensure they have access to military hardware. One thing our forefathers understood and history has taught us is that when a group of ten fights against a thousand for something that belongs to them, they will win every time. This is why we should abolish the national military, demilitarize our police and reestablish local militia units!

Of course these local militia will be a step up from our colonial ancestors, they will receive reserve grade pay unless called up in time of invasion or crisis, they will also receive annual training during the summer months as well as some militia units being responsible for manning vehicles and other advanced weapons systems. Each adult between 18 and 20 will be required to serve on the militia, being presented the option to continue as standard militiamen until age 35 or age 65 if they are given a militia officer commission. Militia troops will be presented weapons, ammunition, and equipment; each round must be accounted for at bimonthly checks  by their local officer. At the age of 20 they will be presented the opportunity to continue as militia until 35, being presented opportunities after age 25 to attain officer status (if they work for it and earn it).

As always, the socialist state's grand duty to ensure the right of their citizens to bear arms and even after the state provided weapons are surrendered after the individual leaves the militia, they will be encouraged to keep weapons responsibly for the simple purpose of being able to aid the active militia in defense of the homeland or resistance in the case of a tyrannical leader's rise to power. The militia will serve their local community, work as their other citizens do; only serving the state or nation in the event of invasion, a declaration of war on the nation, or the state authorities unanimously agree that the nation's socialist legislature must be reorganized and the current one must be overthrown.

This will serve as an adequate replacement to our standing army and will honor our founders by abolishing our standing army and our militarized police.

next article: Marxist Feminism: Voting Rights

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Marxist Feminism - Equal Opportunity

Author: Chairman Aldrizh

Marxist Feminism - Equal Opportunity
What is feminism? Inherently as it was formulated in the mid to late 19th century CE, it is the belief that both genders should be presented equal opportunity, it is in itself a socialist belief. Feminism that when presented with the same opportunities as a man, some women will reach up and grab onto those opportunities with the same requirements as a man reaching for that opportunity. In the modern era we have seen feminism take a sharp turn upwards, from the backwards "women are property" attitude in China fading away to "people are people" attitude in modern China to the allowance of women in combat fighting for their nation, we are living in better times it may seem, but we are wrong.
  What we have seen grow is liberal feminism, a cancerous belief that preaches rather than all genders should be allowed equal requirements for the same opportunities aside from those that limit based on gender and destruction of male superiority we should switch to female superiority and adjust requirements to make it easier for women to achieve them. This is simply idiotic, we wouldn't ask for a man to have a college degree in a field where a women only needs a high school diploma for the SAME position. If both have the degree and both meet the physical requirements, their prior experience as well as other additional nondiscrimination sources should be used to decide between the candidates and if possible, all qualified parties should be offered the position

In this modern world, take a left turn from liberal feminism and turn towards Marxist feminism. If the same non-gender requirements are met by an individual, the individual should be considered for the job and offered it if other positive additions outweigh the other applicants.

Aiding our Impoverished Comrades

Author: Deputy Chairman Pyetim (Welcome to the Party Blog!)

Look around you; What do you see? Friendly faces, a (Hopefully) good home, food to last you a week until you need to go to the store again; All in all, a good life. 


While this could be said and confirmed for many of us, it cannot be said as true for all of us. Look to the streets, and what do you see? The homeless, begging for change in the middle of a freezing day? To be frank, I must ask you a question. In this world that we have built from work of our hands and the sweat of our brow, why does this deplorable situation exist? Is it not our duty to stand for our brothers and sisters and care for them when they are unable to do so?
I will provide you with an answer; It is our duty, though, many of us are not performing the task with open arms, or even at all. We must change this! We must stand up and care for those who cannot care for themselves, we must stand up and carry those who cannot carry themselves! We must stand up and embrace what it means to be human! My brothers, my sisters, we must stand; We must fight for ourselves, and each other!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Red Guard

Author: Chairman Aldrizh

While the Leninist idea of the vanguard party is in its theory a fantastic idea, it can be overly centralized, which leads to reduced influence. In an area such as the old Russian Empire, where almost 80% of the population live in a small area, this was not such a problem, but in an area with such a spanning area and population as the US, it presents a significant problem. To combat this problem, a revolutionary party must spread and establish chapters in as many areas as it can reach, being centralized at a headquarters branch and each branch must be in charge of maintaining a Red Guard through donations, volunteers, and bimonthly trainings (at the minimum). Each Red Guard should also have a organized chain of command, reporting to the Chairman overall, and at the lowest level their squad leader.

Organization of these groups may vary. In one area perhaps a Red Guard will have the membership to maintain several divisions of hundreds of soldiers (although unlikely), and in other areas it may consist of several squads of just over two dozen soldiers, however as long as there is a firm chain of command and some form of divisional structure, all Red Guard units are fine. These Red Guard units serve a multitude of purposes, their first and foremost being campaigning for the party.

Spreading posters, setting up booths, handing out pamphlets, etc. To this extent it could be argued they are  primarily just a recruiting team that has some combat training. However, they also should serve as guards at protests, making sure the people are safe as the police have proven time and time again they will not protect protesters; another one of their purposes being protection of party officials at speeches, rallies, and meetings. Finally though, they serve the ultimate purpose of reminding the bourgeois we will NOT take abuse sitting down, we will defend our rights and they should fear us.

DISCLAIMER: Red Guard should be primarily nonaggressive unless provoked or those who they swear to protect (the American people) are being harmed.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Issue of Faithful Persons and Communism

Author: Chairman Aldrizh

Communism and faith are usually seen as natural enemies. To someone with an elementary understanding of communism and Karl Marx, this seems like a correct assumption. But, upon closer examination of Marx's writings and the words he has had immortalized; this is far from the case. Was Karl Marx an atheist? Yes. Was Lenin an atheist? Yes. Was Mao an atheist? Yes. However, this is just like arguing that since Israel was founded as a Jewish state, everyone living in lands claimed by Israel or ever owned by Israel was or is Jewish. While communism is certainly not as accommodating to religion and any communist worth their salt would support church taxation at the very least, even Karl Marx would've openly welcomed a Catholic, Protestant, or Muslim as his comrade. Not to mention that given the time period and area that communism emerged in, it is EXTREMELY LIKELY that the majority of early communists were of faith.

As communists, we should welcome these potential comrades, treat them as equals as the founders of our ideology would've demanded we do. Allow them to build their churches, but do not allow their faith in our politics, politics should always be based around what is logical, not what is considered correct by one faith out of thousands. Hopefully in due time, the religious will see how capitalism is destructive to them and how communism is the far better route for their own preservation as well as the preservation of all mankind.